Waste management is considered one of the essential jobs in our society. At the same time, it is full of risks too. There are wastes that are highly toxic in nature and can cause severe health issues for those who handle them daily. Whether you are in your home or office, you must know about the types of waste and their level of toxicity so that you can keep yourself safe from potential hazards.
Before you hire experts of Crawley waste collection for your home or business, you should know about the common types of waste you deal with every day.
Common Waste Types at Your Home and Business
Organic Waste
These are wastes that are generated from various organic or natural elements and cause no harm (typically) to the environment. In most of the cases, you can recycle these wastes and utilise them as fertiliser too. Food waste, garden waste, water waste, and wood waste are considered organic or green waste. They are also known as biodegradable waste.
Liquid Waste
Liquid rubbish can be anything and everything that you throw in the form of liquid. From the liquids you throw in your kitchen sinks to the liquid materials released from factories – all these things come under this classification. Even human and animal extracts are also considered as liquid waste.
Medical Waste
Waste that has medical items like medicines, syringe, cotton balls, bandage, etc. are known as medical waste. They may or may not have infectious and toxic elements in them. Anything that is collected from the hospitals, doctors’ chambers, dentists’ offices, laboratories, medical research centres and veterinary clinics are considered as medical waste.
Hazardous Waste
As the name suggests, these are the wastes that can create risks for you and the environment as well. In this category, you can put various types of items collected from all the categories mentioned above. There can be a hazardous liquid waste, medical waste, chemical waste, etc.
The experts of Hawkins and Scott always advice the clients to know the types of waste they are handling and then choose the right types of skips for the same. For more help, you can contact us right now.