Dry Mixed Recycling. Dry recyclables is the modern description of waste that is free from contaminants such as construction, food or garden waste. Leaving clean materials such as paper, cardboard, plastic bottles, drinks cans and glass bottles to be sorted and recycled.
240 Ltr
Volume (ltr): 240
Max Height (mm): 1079
Max Width (mm): 583
Max Depth (mm): 737
360 Ltr
Volume (ltr): 360
Max Height (mm): 1112
Max Width (mm): 585
Max Depth (mm): 880
660 Ltr
Volume (ltr): 660
Max Height (mm): 1213
Max Width (mm): 1373
Max Depth (mm): 780
1100 Ltr
Volume (ltr): 1100
Max Height (mm): 1354
Max Width (mm): 1373
Max Depth (mm): 1073